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Cocaine Bear Becomes Kentucky's #1 Tourist Attraction!

By Andrew Allingham |

Word tends to get around when you have the Cocaine Bear from The Bluegrass Conspiracy fame — you know, the one that died after ingesting a massive amount of cocaine that dropped from blue-blood-turned-drug-smuggler Andrew Thornton's plane and into Georgia's Chattahoochee National Forest?

Tens of thousands of people from all over the world have visited the Kentucky for Kentucky Fun Mall in recent months to see Cocaine Bear (aka Pablo EskoBear) and check out our line of kick-ass KY for KY gear, and last week Cocaine Bear made his big TV debut! A crew from local news channel LEX18 came by the Fun Mall to feature Cocaine Bear and interview us about the twisting, epic tale of how he ended up at KY for KY's HQ, which you can read all about right here. Check out Lex18's video below.



After the interview aired, word of Cocaine Bear spread like news of fine Peruvian Flake at a mid-'70s era Playboy party and other media outlets picked up on the story. Roadside America ran a nice piece, as did Atlas ObscuraOddity Central, Neatorama, and Bro Bible. Cocaine Bear's fame continues to grow, and today we got word that it's the top tourist attraction in Kentucky! Take that, Mammoth Cave.



Stop on by the Fun Mall, 720 Bryan Ave. in Lexington, to see Cocaine Bear for yourself, and look for our line of Cocaine Bear gear coming soon to the Fun Mall and our online shop!


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