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Bourbon Smuggling

By Kentucky For Kentucky |

'USA Bourbon Drinking Team' and 'If It Ain't Kentucky, It Ain't Bourbon' steel Izola 5-oz. flasks are available for purchase in the KY for KY Shop! We've also restocked all of our USA Bourbon Drinking Team gear!

Nothing toes the line between "classy Southern Belle" and "wanton drunk" quite so well as the timeless quality of a good, handy, stainless steel flask. It falls somewhere between "I'm a dapper Kentucky gentleman" and "I'll fight everybody in this room." Flasks can help transform just about any event from stuffy soiree to "let's run through the courthouse fountain" (in a matter of half a dozen sips or so). The flask is relegated solely to the drinking professional: Strictly for carrying pure alcohol (typically bourbon or whisky) with no frou-frou accoutrements. Anything extra won't sustain and runs the risk of tarnishing the material. In short, the flask ain't for amateurs.

Historically, flasks of whisky or bourbon came in handy when drinking water was unsustainable or folks wanted to "stay warm" out in the cold. These days, a flask is a more useful means for bringing the party along with you wherever you're headed…And in this modern age of technology where the world is constantly at your fingertips, why not always have your bourbon handy as well?
Some suggestions as to when your Kentucky flask might be useful:


  • Family functions held in a dry county
  • A Keeneland tailgate mourning your betting losses.
  • Western Kentucky field party
  • Fishing on the Ohio River
  • Staring into the CentrePointe hole
  • Garth Brooks concert at the YUM! Center
  • Camping at the Gorge
  • Music Festival
  • Monster Truck Rally at Rupp Arena
    …and many more!


Flasks and additional Bourbon gear are available for purchase here.

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