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By Kentucky For Kentucky |

It's starting to get cold outside and your neck is probably starting to get a little cold. There's nothing worse than a cold neck. There's nothing better for a cold neck than a good turtleneck. Not to mention, there's simply nothing more badass than rocking a turtleneck. Nothing. Steve McQueen "The King Of Cool" rocked turtlenecks often.

So how do you make a turtleneck even more badass? It's a tough question BUT we figured it out. …You print a turtle shell on the back. That's right, a turtleneck with a turtle shell printed on the back.

We're making this a reality and you're probably thinking, "why didn't I think of that?" The reason you haven't thought of that is because you haven't had the privilege of traveling into the future like we have. We traveled into the future and discovered that everyone was wearing turtlenecks with turtle shells printed on the back. We came back and got to work, inventing this badass turtleneck with a turtle shell printed on the back. In honor of one of Kentucky's finest crushers (Ernie Brown Jr.), we're calling this new invention the "Turtle Man Turtleneck."

Get ready because it's coming soon. Dress like the future. Wear it and be king of the turtles. Business in the front. Turtle in the back. Wear this and crush Tinder. Photos and video below. #TurtleManTurtleneck

Turtleneck + Turtle Shell Print = Turtle Man Turtleneck


Black turtleneck with green cartoon-style turtle shell printed on the back

Early Mockup of the Turtle Man Turtleneck 

Photos by Stanley Sievers.

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