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Explore Kentucky x KYforKY

By KY for KY Store Admin |

Kentucky for Kentucky is teaming up with Explore Kentucky! Together, we're dropping new line of products to promote Kentucky's rich outdoor legacy and get more people outside.


A percentage of the sale of this collection will go to the development of Explore Kentucky's outdoor equity fund, which will support projects that promote positive health outcomes, inclusivity, diversity, and leadership in Kentucky’s outdoors with focus on Black, brown, immigrant, and refugee populations.

Three featured t-shirts from the Explore Kentucky collection.




Founded in 2013 by Gerry Seavo James, the Explore Kentucky Initiative is a Black-owned and led outdoor oriented social enterprise dedicated to inspiring Kentuckians and visitors to the Commonwealth to engage in an active lifestyle fueled by outdoor adventure while preserving the natural resources of our 120 counties.

Gerry, founder and director of Explore Kentucky, standing on the banks of a lake



The Tube-A-Thon! Kentucky for Kentucky's partnership with Explore Kentucky began in 2018 during the annual Tube-A-Thon and in 2019, Explore Kentucky took ownership of this wildly fun and successful event, to be continued!

Over a dozen people tubing on the Kentucky River


Development of the Beaver Creek Blueway Trail in Barron County for kayak, canoe, and stand up paddleboard access. EKI worked in partnership with the City of Glasgow, National Park Service, & VFW Post 5906 to clean up a 3 mile section of Beaver Creek from the  VFW Club to the city’s Beaver Creek Park, ensuring free parking for paddlers is available at both ends of the trail. EKI facilitated the mapping of the stream, developing an identity for the stream as a blueway trail, leading the heavy clean-up work, fundraising, and hosting an initial community clean-up event. EKI is excited about this project as it will positively impact Barren County's quality of life, public health, and  Beaver Creek's ecology for future generations to come.

A blue and white sign that reads Mile 1 Beaver Creek Blueway Trail in the foreground and a tree-lined river in the background.


Providing technical assistance and support to Friends of Cherokee State Historic ParkCherokee Park, situated on the banks of Kentucky Lake, was open from 1949-1963 as Kentucky’s only state park for its African American population during the Jim Crow Era. EKI's role is to help the Friends continue growing Cherokee into a premier site for cultural, historical, and educational resources concerning African American history, culture, achievements, and contributions to the commonwealth.

African American woman standing in front of the Historic Cherokee Park sign


Hosting and assisting with free to affordable environmental education workshops, guided hikes, race events, and festivals. Events have included the Bluegrass River Run, In My Backyard Red River Gorge, Drakes Creek Watershed Festival, Ohio River Paddlefest, Black Lives Matter Paddle Out Kentucky, and Explore Kentucky’s Ancient Forest.

Large group of African Americans of all ages standing at the peak of a mountain. Gerry is kneeling in front with a t-shirt that reads Outdoor Afro Leader 

People of all ages in kayaks in water


Creation of a vibrant social media community centered around the hashtag #ExploreKentuckyCheck it out and join in!



Campsite with over a dozen tents with morning mist rising from the ground. The Explore Kentucky Logo is overlaid on the image


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