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Juneteenth Across KY 2022

By KY for KY Store Admin |

On June 19, 2022, Kentuckians across the state are celebrating the 157th anniversary of emancipation for enslaved African Americans with some events celebrating second-ever events, and some events with long traditions. Wherever you are in the state, there's a place nearby for you to celebrate! (Tap pictures for event details...)

Ashland, June 19

Bowling Green, June 18-19

Covington, June 18

Cynthiana, June 18


Frankfort, June 17-20


Georgetown, June 18

Harrodsburg, June 17-18

Lexington, June 18-19

Lexington will celebrate Juneteenth with a number of events, some with longer traditions and some burgeoning. Check out the full line up! 

And DO NOT MISS the Soulteenth Fest on June 18, part of SoulFeast Week, a "ten-day celebration of black culinary culture highlighting black restaurants, farmers, and chefs in Central Kentucky." Read about Kentucky for Kentucky's partnership with SoulFeast Week HERE


Louisville, June 16-19


Nicholasville, June 18

Madisonville, June 17-19


Richmond, June 18

Paducah, June 20

AND ALSO!! Paducah has celebrated the freedom of enslaved African Americans on August 8th for well over a century! They're working on this year's festivities... stay in loop with the Paducah W.C. Young Community Center

Somerset, June 18


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