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Kentucky is Worth Fighting For

By Anne Livengood |

Kentucky’s people and places embody boundless abundance and beauty. We believe in Kentucky, we know Kentucky Kicks Ass (it’s kind of our whole thing)! While this is our rallying cry, we do realize many Kentuckians experience inequity and struggle to thrive. Let’s do something!

Over the years, our team has worked with some really incredible people. However, no one has impacted our work as significantly as activist, artist, and political leader Lamin Swann. Our Kentucky for Kentucky team shared co-working space with Lamin for several years. We shared countless laughs, donuts, and tough conversations together, usually over coffee. Lamin held multitudes and we miss him everyday. As we collectively grieve the death of our dear friend and comrade we are also galvanized to keep up the fight for a more equitable, livable, and loving Kentucky.



Together with Lamin’s family we celebrate his life by doing some good - feeding kids! Many schools across the Commonwealth offer free lunch and breakfast to all students, but this is not universal. Student school lunch debt in several counties is considered a “high need” and is climbing as this school year progresses. All net proceeds from “Kentucky is Worth Fighting For” t-shirt and hoodie sales will be directly donated toward reducing school lunch debt in Kentucky. 





100% net proceeds will be donated toward reducing local school lunch debt in Fayette County Schools


“I am not here to bring back misogynistic discriminating so called traditional values from 50 years before. I am here to bring Kentucky’s future. A Kentucky where if you are black or white, cis trans bi or gay. If you’re from the 859, 502, 606, 270. Or if you are from the hood to the holler. A Kentucky where everyone can THRIVE.” - Lamin Swann

In loving memory of State Representative, Lamin Swann

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