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Kentucky Moon Rocks!

By Andrew Allingham |

In honor of the 50th anniversary of the historic Apollo 11 Moon landing, we're selling authentic Moon Rocks from... Moon, Kentucky!

Collected and tested by the West Liberty Kiwanis Club in Moon, KY. Authenticity is guaranteed. Get your own genuine Kentucky Moon Rock online or in-store now!

Take a trip to Moon, KY! Come celebrate the 50th anniversary at Betty’s Grocery on Hwy. 172 at Moon, the only country store in town, where the first 250 customers who visit will receive a free Moon Pie and RC Cola! Come have your photo taken with the Moon road sign and take a giant step for Moonkind in the parking lot! Commemorative Moon t-shirts and genuine Kentucky Moon Rocks will be available for purchase.

Part of the proceeds go to benefit the West Liberty Kiwanis Club, who dedicate their time to help boys and girls in the community through scholarships, camps, and service projects. 

What: Moon Landing 50th Anniversary Celebration
Where: Betty Rigsby Grocery on Hwy. 172 at Moon, KY in Morgan County
When: July 20th, 2019 from 6am to 9pm 


A History of Moon Landings in Moon, KY.

Legend has it that many years ago when the new post office needed a name, two lovers out for an evening stroll remarked that the Moon looked mighty bright that night. Inspired by the brightness, they submitted the name idea to the new Postmaster, and Moon, KY was born! 

Moon KY Postmark

When the Moon landing occurred in 1969, the postmaster received requests from all over for Moon, KY postmarks. Not only was it a historic occasion for Mankind, it's been a monumental occasion in the aptly named town ever since. 

Moon KY Moon landing 20th Anniversary raffle

The 20th and 25th anniversaries featured $1 raffle tickets to "Win a Trip to The Moon." For the 20th anniversary, the winner, a local banker, was driven to the Moon post office by limousine.

The winner of the 20th anniversary, a US postal worker, was transported by way of a lunar module designed by the Liberty Kiwanis Club. 

 Moon KY Lunar Lander

"It was a good natured contest and the winners won a case of Moon Pies and RC Cola, got their photo with the Moon Postmaster, a dinner and a play at Jenny Wiley State Park, and got to leave their footprint in wet cement," says Langley Franklin, Kiwanian and Moon enthusiast. "It did get a lot of media attention both times and was a fun way to heighten people’s awareness of Moon landing."

Moon KY Letter From the President

Although Moon took quite a few hits with the Post Office closing down in 1997, and after a devastating tornado swept through Morgan County in 2012, there is still no better place to celebrate and acknowledge the 50th Anniversary of Landing on the Moon than historic Moon, Kentucky. Come for a visit, and leave with a moon pie and memories!


Special thanks to Langley Franklin for the photos, the history, and for letting us know about such a wonderful tradition. 

Can't make it to Moon, KY for the Moon Landing Celebration? Get your very own Kentucky Moon Rock right here in the shop on


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