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Kentucky Trivia Night

By Chenault VanMeter |

If you can rattle off Kentucky facts like the official state insect, state drink and the full name of the state song, you stand to do well during Kentucky Trivia Night this Wednesday, June 29, at West Sixth Greenroom in downtown Lexington.


Hosted by Kentuckians for the Commonwealth, teams of two to eight people will put their Kentucky knowledge to the test and vie for awesome prizes while helping to support a kick-ass non-profit that works hard for the betterment of all Kentucky.


Founded in 1981, Kentuckians For The Commonwealth is a grassroots organization that works to improve the lives of Kentuckians around the state through advocacy, outreach and education across a broad range of issues that directly affect Kentucky and its citizens.


Entry fees are $7 per person if purchased in advance, or $10 per person at the door. Teams that come in first, second and third place will win awesome gear from Kentucky for Kentucky, West Sixth Brewing and Kentuckians For The Commonwealth.


Oh, and the answers to the above questions? Viceroy butterfly, milk (seriously, why not bourbon? Ale-8-One is the official state soft drink) and "My Old Kentucky Home, Good-Night!"


What: Kentucky Trivia Night

When: 7–10 p.m.

Where: West Sixth Greenroom

               109 East Main St., Lexington

Cost: $7 per person in advance, $10 per person at the door


Head over the event page here  for more information and click here to purchase tickets!

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