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Where to Order Kentucky Farm-Fresh Turkeys

By Jenn Shockley |

Gobble, gobble, y'all! Try a Kentucky farm-raised turkey this year and start a mouthwatering holiday tradition.

If frozen turkeys are all you've experienced in life so far, consider trying one of Kentucky's organically raised, farm-fresh birds this season. Once you get a taste of fresh, farm-raised turkey, those frozen birds just won't cut it anymore.

What's the difference between farm raised and heirloom turkey varieties compared to the average Butterball bird? Well, for starters, Kentucky's farm-raised turkeys feast on the natural foods and grains they would enjoy in the wild. They are not force fed, confined to overly crowded warehouses or raised on growth increasing hormones like many store-bought birds. The wild, woodland version of these birds are also hunted during season, and make an excellent main dish for any holiday meal.


The friendly and knowledgeable Kentucky farmers listed below will be happy to provide you with a fresh, farm-raised Thanksgiving turkey that can't be beat. We recommend putting your order in early, however, as these beautiful birds don't last long.


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Elmwood Stock Farm, in Georgetown, offers two different types of organic, farm raised turkeys — organic Heritage and organic Broad-Breasted Bronze birds. Contact Ann at the family farm via phone at 859-621-0755 or order directly from the website.


Star Farm, in Hardyville, offers Bourbon Red farm-raised birds for $8 a pound. Only 5 to 13 pound turkeys are left for this season, which farmer Kathy says will be her last raising these tasty birds. Order by November 19, while supplies last. You can order via email at or call 270-528-1758.


Wicked Woman Farm in Cadiz is an organic farm run by a disabled female veteran, who offers up Bourbon Reds raised in the sunshine. Contact Misty at 270-350-8827 or order via email.


7 Minor Family Farm, located in Fordsville near Owensboro, offers Kentucky Red and Rio Grande Heritage turkeys that have been organically raised with non-GMO feed. Call Karen at 270-681-2147, order via email or online.


Sunny Wolf Farm in Mount Vernon raises a small quantity of Heritage turkeys. You can order via email or call Tabea Wolf-Fourman at 606-392-1341, while supplies last.


Cedar Hill Homestead in Carlisle offers Bourbon Red Heritage turkeys and Broad Breasted Whites. They currently only have Broad Breasted Whites available, which will be ready for pickup on Nov. 21. Call Julie at 606-776-0809 or email to order.


Wild turkeys are also abundant in Kentucky's lush woodlands, and the Department of Fish and Wildlife allows hunters to bag four per season. The fall hunting season is upon us for both bow and crossbow. Hunters must be age 16 or older, have a valid Kentucky hunting license, hunt on available public lands or have express permission to hunt on private land. You can read more about the fall hunting season regulations here.


Visit the shop for kick-ass Kentucky gear, and come on down and visit us at the Fun Mall, y'all!


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