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KY Mugs By Jacob Robertson

By Kentucky For Kentucky |

This Friday, January 12th at 10am, we're launching some brand new kick-ass KY mugs, y'all! These mugs were handmade by one of our own, Jacob Robertson! Jacob is a Lexington native who recently graduated from the University of Kentucky with a Fine Arts degree. He has been a part of the KY for KY team for two years, you've probably seen him at most of our events! He has been pursuing ceramics for 6 year and is currently continuing his passion and education as a post baccalaureate at Indiana Southeast (IUS). You can check out more of his work on instagram or his website! Order one of these awesome KY mugs this Friday at 10am on our website or stop by the Kentucky Fun Mall (720 Bryan Ave) or the Fun Stall(120 Summit at Fritz Farm #155) while supplies last!

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