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Rock Out With Your Southern Socks Out!

By Kentucky For Kentucky |

Sport your state pride with a pair (or three) of stylish socks from Southern Socks, a new company from the folks at Kentucky for Kentucky!


It all started with a pair of blue-and-white Kentucky socks. We introduced the socks awhile back and y'all love them! We added more colors and those also sold out instantly. We made some Y'ALL socks and y'all snatched 'em up. We made some horse-humping socks and it was the same story. We made some Tennessee socks, took them to an event in Nashville and folks mobbed our booth. Damn, people love these socks!


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That's when we knew we had to bring these kick-ass socks to the world with Southern Socks, a new company based in Lexington, Kentucky, and founded by the folks behind Kentucky for Kentucky. All of our high-quality socks are proudly made in the USA, and available for purchase online and at a number of fine stores throughout the South.


Check out the new website at, and be sure and visit frequently — we're adding new retailers and fresh new styles all the time.





Rock Out With Your Southern Socks Out!

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