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The Hip-­Hop Legacy of Eric C. Conn

By Coleman Larkin |

The Hip-­Hop Legacy of Eric C. Conn

Our man in Eastern Kentucky offers commentary on the recent indictment of Eric C. Conn. Or, how a respected jazz guitarist wound up writing awful raps for the state's most hated attorney.

The Flea Off Market

By Kentucky For Kentucky |

The Flea Off Market

This Saturday and Sunday, April 9th-10th, we'll be back at The Flea Off Market in Louisville, KY! Come on out for some good food, good music and the best local vendors around!

Dapper Socks for Dapper Gents

By Kentucky For Kentucky |

Dapper Socks for Dapper Gents

We are relaunching our "Clucking Awesome" socks, "Run For the Bourbon" socks and "Run For the Roses" socks on our website this Friday, April 8th at 10 a.m.! Just in time for horse racing and bourbon chasing season, y'all!