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Welcome to Kentucky for Kentucky!

By Adam Lewis |

fellow Kentuckians! (It's okay if you aren't from Kentucky—we won't hold it
against you.) Welcome to our website! We've got Kick-Ass gear for you. Wanna know what that is you and we are basking in? It's the glow of
sweet, sweet Kentucky Pride.

is our most recent project:

Rebranding Kentucky

How would you describe the Commonwealth
of Kentucky? Would you mention fried chicken, George Clooney, or bourbon? How
about bluegrass music or Muhammad Ali, NCAA Basketball Championships or the
mother-freaking Kentucky Derby?

Does the Commonwealth's current
slogan "Unbridled Spirit" best describe Kentucky? Sure, it's clever (Unbridled
Spirit = horse + bourbon), but does it make you want to visit? Would you wear
it on a shirt? Will it ever be big in Japan?

Google "Unbridled Spirit", and the
first result is for horseback riding lessons in San Antonio, Texas. That's
no bueno

So, in 2004, why did the Commonwealth
use half a million of your hard-earned tax dollars to develop the "Unbridled
Spirit" brand for Kentucky?

Kentucky for Kentucky has been
tasked with developing a viable brand and tagline for the great Commonwealth of
Kentucky. Our goals are simple: increase tourism, attract new business, foster
pride, diminish stereotypes, unify the Commonwealth, and distinguish Kentucky
from any other place on the planet.

  • Step
    We talked to some of the coolest, most admired, most
    kick-ass Kentuckians (and a few non-Kentuckians) we could find, and we
    asked them to describe Kentucky in a few words.
  • Step
    We partnered with Cricket Press and went to work developing
    this tagline into a kick-ass logo.
  • Step
    Along with your help, we're gonna turn up the volume
    and let the world know: KENTUCKY KICKS ASS!
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