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We've Got Handmade Kentucky Moonshine Jugs

By Kentucky For Kentucky |

Earlier this week, we looked around the Kentucky for Kentucky office and realized that something was missing, something essential. We looked at the prints on the walls and the shirts on the racks and the booze in the cabinet, and we felt, well, not quite at ease. We needed something classic, we needed something handmade…we needed something to hold all of the moonshine we'd been storing in random containers.


Thankfully, Kick-Ass Kentuckian Carl Wagoner came to the rescue, supplying the Kentucky for Kentucky team with an assortment of hand-thrown jugs – all of which may be used for a wide variety of purposes.  For example, here around the Kentucky for Kentucky offices we filled them with some homemade 'shine, busied ourselves with rustic flower arrangements, and propped one against a wayward door.  Now that we've had our fun, friends, we're ready to share these treasures with the world.

Kentucky moonshine jugs: black and brown glaze, dishwasher safe, individually signed by the artist, limited edition, nine available per size. Two options: small (approximately 3lbs) for $32, and large (approximately 5lbs) for $48. On sale Friday, June 20th, 10am.

Words by Hannah LeGris. Photos by Stanley Sievers.

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