Before we get used to writing the date as 2019, here's a look back at the events and people who helped Kentucky kick ass this past year.
It's that time of year again. Let's look back at all of the great things that made 2018 one for the history books. Although we can't remember everything, here are our top 24 ways Kentucky Kicked Ass in 2018 in no particular order:
Anonymous Teacher Donation
Teachers often have to foot the bill for basic school necessities, but this year all 143 teachers in the Pendleton County school district were gifted $100 to use for supplies by an anonymous donor. Way to go Anonymous Donor!

Photograph by Mike Lizzi
Simply Perfect: Justify Wins the Triple Crown via New York Times
In order to be the best, you've gotta beat the best, and no one could touch Justify on his was to the Triple Crown. Now out of the spotlight, Justify can rest easy earning quite the paycheck in the Kentucky stud retirement home.
Cherry Ale-8-One
After 92 Years as a Kentucky soda staple, Ale-8 released a new Cherry flavored Ale-8! It took us awhile to get our hands on a bottle, but now it's a regular in our rotation. It kinda reminds me of rocket pops. Mmm.
Over 37,000 calls and counting, our Happy Hotline was a hit! We hope it brought a little joy to you over the busy holiday season. Feel free to keep it on speed-dial for when you are feeling a little home-sick.
UK beat Florida for the first time in 31 years, but it wasn't a fluke. They finished off their best season in 4 decades by beating Penn State in a legit New Year's Day Citrus Bowl.
Photo By David McClister
Tyler Childers, Defender of the Commonwealth, not only made great strides in music in 2018 (what's up, Rollingstone?), but he's also just a damn swell dude. We hope you have a prosperous 2019 and beyond, Tyler!
Velvet Milkman, Murray State women's golf coach, takes over as AD, has greatest name ever Via Golf Digest
Not just a name, Milkman has 12 Ohio Valley Conference Coach of the Year honors to go with the 11 team titles, and now she can add Murray State Interim Athletics Director to that impressive resume.
DV8 Kitchen Gets National Attention For Being Awesome
Rob and Diane Perez started DV8 Kitchen to take on the opioid crisis, now they're making some truly life changing food (via The New York Times) Stop by for breakfast or lunch next time you're in Lexington!
Bravo's Top Chef took Kentucky by storm earlier this year filming all over the Commonwealth. Now we're finally able to see what was going on. We're rooting for Paducah native, Sara Bradley. Go Sara! If you look wayyy up high in the stands during the Rupp Arena episode you might catch me eating a hunt bros pizza and stadium nachos pretending like I am part of the action.
Lexington Gets National Attention For Being Awesome
The Washington Post and New York Times both think Lexington is worth the trip. Shout out to VisitLex for getting some hot press. #SHARETHELEX
Getting your stuff stolen is never a good time, but Mason Tackett turned it into one of the greatest TV interviews of the past year. Mason Tackett may have recovered his stolen cheese grater, but he ended up stealing the internet's heart. He's right though, who steals a cheese grater?
Calumet Farms Unveils New Tandem Horse For Couples Riding
It's about time. You can do the steering. We're not sure about the source, but you can't deny the in-depth investigative report.
Miguel's Pizza Gets A Write-up in Food & Wine
Our favorite pizza place got some national attention this year with a sweet write-up in Food & Wine Magazine. They're closed for the Winter and some renovations, but should be back up and running in March. Go outside!
Pappy Van Winkle for the Pope
Need a bottle of Pappy? Just ask the Pope! Father Jim Sichko gifted a bottle of the illusive Pappy Van Winkle to the Pope on his recent trip to the Vatican. Checking a bag is already stressful, I can't imagine going through customs with that much responsibility. Good on you, Father Jim, Kentucky Ambassador.
Chevy Chase Inn Pappy Thanksgiving
Can't get in touch with Pope Francis? You might try the Chevy Chase Inn, who had their first annual Pappy Thanksgiving, doling out pours of Pappy at cost.
Via Reddit u/CenterSitter
Y'all Slow Down Sign
And the Award for Best Highway Sign goes to... Pikeville, KY for Y'ALL SLOW DOWN. It's good advice. Also don't litter your Mountain Dew empties.
The Barn Named 1 of the 10 Most Delicious Food Halls in America
The Barn has been cooking up a storm this past year and we are very proud of them. Get yourself some craft ice cream, pasture-raised fried chicken, Greek street food, Japanese ramen, and cocktails all in one place. Oh yeah, we've got a little stall in there too ;-)
Steve Zahn Stumped Around Town in Colonial Garb
If you're ever at the grocery store and you think that guy might look like famous actor Steve Zahn...well, it might be. This past November, Steve stumped around town in colonial gear passing out bumper stickers and getting out the vote. Go Vote!
Versailles Pronunciation Heat Map by Scott Clark
Sometimes you come across something on Twitter and it just clicks. Of course, everyone disagreed. There may be a bunch of Ver-sails in other states, but there is only one Versailles, KY. We think.
Best Mammoth Cave Shirt
Come to us with a problem, and we deliver the answer. Voted #1 Imaginary Shirt of 2018, behold the Mammoth Cave Belly Button T-Shirt.
Hemp Legalization
One good thing came out of Congress last year, and that was Hemp legalization sneaking its way into the Farm Bill. We're off to the races as Kentucky became the first state to submit its regulatory plan for hemp production to the USDA! Now if only they could keep the federal government open...
Lexington Police Department Mourn Donut Truck That Catches Fire
Lexington Police stepped up their twitter game with a solemn memorial to this Krispy Kreme truck fire. Get it? Because police love donuts. Police Twitter responded with an outpouring of support from around the globe. It's not all rain clouds and coroners reports, Krispy Kreme gave them a bunch of free donuts to quell the pain.
Kentuckian Wins Survivor
Williamsburg public defender and 2013 University of Kentucky graduate, Nick Wilson took home the top spot on last year's Survivor, winning 1 million dollars and eternal tv glory. He plans to stay in Kentucky doing the work he likes. Sounds like a good plan to us.
Sturgill and Stapleton
Look at those Kentucky cuties. We always wondered what it would be like to see Sturgill and Stapleton play together on national tv and their surprise performance on SNL this past year was a treat.
Did we miss anything crucial? Let us know! We hope your 2018 was one to remember. May your 2019 be even better. As always, if you need a clean shirt, hit up the KY for KY Shop for all your Kentucky needs.