2015 is off to a kick-ass start. The Commonwealth of Kentucky and its kick-ass Kentuckians have been straight up crushing the new year. We're only one month in and there's already so much to be proud of. We can't wait to see what the rest of 2015 holds for our great Commonwealth.
Here ya'll go- 8 ways Kentucky and its Kentuckians have kicked ass in January of 2015.
1. Kentucky's main man Colonel Will Russell got serious about putting the Kentucky crush down in 2015 by purhcasing Guntown Mountain in Cave City, KY. He's turning it into Funtown Mountain. All fun and no guns. It's gonna be a Kentucky carnival-themed, amusement, family entertainment center. Will's all fun too. He's the owner of those amazing WHY Louisville stores and the founder of the Lebowski Fest. Guntown Mountain is in great hands with Colonel Russell. We can't wait for some hot Funtown Mountain action in 2016. Check out their website and give 'em a likey on Facebook and a follow on the Instagram. Err, never mind...

2. The New York Times dropped an article about Lexington's National Avenue (and all of its kick-ass local business). Hell yeah. #ShareTheLex Y'ALL. Check it out:
"A Trot, Not a Gallop, Toward Renewal in Lexington, KY." – New York Times
"Lexington Kentucky is hotter than Kim Kardashian's ass right now" – Resident of Kenwick Neighborhood

Photo via National Provisions
3. Kentucky crusher and Fark Founder Drew Curtis announced he's running for Governor. Drew is running as Citizen Candidates for Kentucky. Go Drew. Donate to Drew's campaign here.
"We are standing up against career politicians, political parties, special interests, and every group that thinks they deserve more influence than you." – DrewCurtis.com
"If Drew Curtis of Fark wins the Kentucky governor's race, all of us at Boing Boing have agreed that we will move there." – BoingBoing

4. This Fall the University of Pikeville will begin offering video game scholarships. We want a scholarship. Check 'em out on the Huffington Post crushing it for the Commonwealth.

5. The World's largest indoor bike park is coming to Louisville's Mega Cavern. Over 40 bike trails covering 320,000 square feet, 75 feet underground (in a huge cave). It doesn't officially open until February but we wanted to go ahead and include this awesomeness on the list. Like Funtown Mountain, this will be another kick-ass Kentucky attraction that both locals and visitors are gonna love. More about the world's largest indoor bike park here.

6. According to the USA Today, Kentucky's craft beer scene is exploding. Hell yes it is. Combine an exploding craft beer scene with an exploding bourbon scene and you've got the best state in America to grab a drink. Read all about it:
"Beer me: Kentucky's craft beer scene exploding" Via USA TODAY
7. On Jan 28th kick-ass Kentuckian Wendell Berry became the first living writer to be inducted into the Kentucky Writers Hall Of Fame. Wendell Berry is the man. Other inductees included Hunter S. Thompson, Effie Waller Smith, Jim Wayne Miller, Elizabeth Hardwick, and Guy Davenport. Read more about it here.
photo via Tom Eblen
8. Frankfort (our Commonwealth's capitol for those that haven't attended school) was selected as one of Condé Nast Traveler's 'Diamonds in the Rough: 8 Dark Horse Destinations'. How awesome is that? Very awesome. Go Frankfort.
Need more Kentucky Kicks Ass? Check Out Ways Kentucky Kicked Ass in 2018 + 2016 or + 2014 + 2013