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Crushing it for the Commonwealth #1

By Kentucky For Kentucky |

Here at Kentucky for Kentucky, we like to give props to the true Defenders of the Commonwealth who make this great state our favorite in the nation. This week our featured "Crusher for the Commonwealth" is a young lady by the name of Alex Skees. Alex, a Centre College alum, made a splash this week by attending the Hunger Games: Mockingjay premiere in London by bringing her own "Kentucky Kicks Ass" sign. Alex explains, "I've known since the first movie was cast that Jennifer Lawrence and Josh Hutcherson are from Kentucky, and I'd seen your photos of Jennifer wearing one of your t-shirts, so I thought it would be a fun way to try and grab their attention, and to show off some Kentucky pride!"

Alex and her beautiful sign accidentally photobombed a red carpet photo of Elizabeth Banks. Little did Miss Banks know, her beautiful gown was the not the only eye-catching sight in the photo. Alex's homemade sign proves that Kentucky pride knows no bounds. As if this wasn't cool enough, Alex got Kick-Ass Kentuckian Jennifer Lawrence to sign it.

When asked about Jennifer Lawrence's reaction, Alex says "Sadly, because there were so many people (they handed out at least 1,000 wristbands to fans for the event), Jennifer was pretty much just signing things as quickly as she could. I did notice that she sort of laughed when she saw it. She definitely seems as awesome as everyone says! She spent about an hour signing stuff for fans in the cold, and I heard afterwards she had been pretty sick, so that makes her even more kick-ass!"

So, thank you Alex for Crushing it for the Commonwealth across the pond. Kentucky loves you!

Words by June Tate.

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