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Lexington Pride Festival 2017

By Kentucky For Kentucky |

Lexington Pride Festival 2017

The Lexington Pride Festival is happening this weekend, y'all! Saturday, June 24th from 11am-7pm we'll be celebrating 10 years of pride in downtown Lexington!

New Rainbow Kentucky Tees

By Kentucky For Kentucky |

New Rainbow Kentucky Tees

We're dropping two kick-ass styles of Kentucky rainbow tees this Friday, June 23rd at 10am online and at the Kentucky Fun Mall (720 Bryan Ave)!

Kentucky Children's Eye Chart

By Kentucky For Kentucky |

Kentucky Children's Eye Chart

Welcome back to Kindergarten, friends—Kentucky for Kentucky-style, that is. Which means this school is way cooler than your Kindergarten. In fact, it kicks ass. With the iconography of the Commonwealth in mind, we've had hometown crusher Rachael Sinclair draft a specialty version of a children's eye chart. Complete with the outlines of Kentucky's great symbols—the …

Happy Birthday to Us!

By Coleman Larkin |

Happy Birthday to Us!

Kentucky for Kentucky dropped its first Facebook post on April 27, 2011, and a whole lot of awesomeness followed. On the occasion of our fifth anniversary, here's a look at how it all started and where we're headed. Hell yeah. Let's do it.

The Night Market Is Coming! Well Crafted is Coming!

By Kentucky For Kentucky |

The Night Market Is Coming! Well Crafted is Coming!

Get ready Kentucky, the NoLi CDC's Night Market is back! Back in action this Friday August 7th from 6-10pm. Hell yeah! An epic Northside evening of live music (Big Maracas), yummy craft beer (West Sixth), cool local vendors (like us), food trucks, 5,000 kick-ass Kentuckians (and a few tourists), fresh air, hip outdoor lighting (makes …