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Pre-Order "Scents Of The Commonwealth" On Tuesday November 26th

By Kentucky For Kentucky |

Our first batch of 'Scents Of The Commonwealth' candles got hot like Jennifer Lawrence and sold out in under a minute. Hot like fried chicken. Hot like Kentucky. Hot like Rainbow Looms and Cronuts. Apparently, everyone wants their home to smell like Kentucky. Everyone wants their home to smell like tasty Fried chicken. Thank you sweet baby Jesus, thank you Kentucky for being the first to fry chicken.

This past week, these amazing Kentucky scented candles were featured in the USA Today, Fast Company, The Daily Mail, Creativity, The Bob and Tom Show, Complex Magazine, Grub Street, The Huffington Post, Perez Hilton, Food Beast, Eater, PSFK, Fox News, TAXI, Jezebel, etc. All over the internets and beyond. The talented Kathy Werking (our candle maker) is going to appear on Fox News this week and we've heard rumors they plan to burn some fried chicken candles on The View later this week. Thank you sweet baby Barbara Walters.

If you missed out on buying a candle or two last Friday (we've received over 500 emails from those that have), don't worry we've got more on the way. We are working with Kathy Werking on a new batch of Kentucky scented candles for the holidays. Fried chicken candles for everyone, at least 100 of you. We'll begin pre-selling 100 of each scent (Fried Chicken, Ale-8, and Derby) on Tuesday November 26th at 10:30 am. See ya then. #KentuckyKicksAss

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