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"Big Buck Of This Lick" Print

By Kentucky For Kentucky |

"Big Buck Of This Lick" Print

What most don't know about one of our nation's greatest presidents is his side career as a wrestler. Not like Macho Man Randy Savage type wrestling (although he was known to talk a little smack) but shirts off, bare hands, real "come and get it" ass whoopin'.

Happy Birthday, Abraham Lincoln!

By Kentucky For Kentucky |

Happy Birthday, Abraham Lincoln!

Born in what is now known as Hodgenville, Kentucky, Abraham Lincoln is one of the most kick-ass Kentucky originals. A true Kentucky playa. This Saturday, February 13th, we wish him a happy birthday and celebrate all that he has contributed to American history. As a tribute, we're rolling out a set of prints to share with the world.

Kentucky Necklaces by Meg C are Back!

By Kentucky For Kentucky |

Kentucky Necklaces by Meg C are Back!

Looking for the perfect gift to steal a special Kentucky woman's heart? Well she's gonna love these handcrafted rose gold plated and sterling silver Kentucky necklaces! Handmade right here in Lexington, KY by Meg C Gallery.

Go West

By Kentucky For Kentucky |

Go West

Feelin' like getting into some shenanigans this weekend, y'all? We'll be popping up shop at the Dry Ground Brewing Co. in Paducah, KY this Saturday! We'll be bringing along with us only the freshest KY gear, Bourbon gear, Y'ALL gear and Southern Socks! Stop by, say 'hello' and grab a brew.

Loretta Mugs by David Kring

By Kentucky For Kentucky |

Loretta Mugs by David Kring

Love is in the air, Kentucky! Nothing says it better than these Loretta mugs by local Kentucky potter David Kring! A limited number will be available on our website this Friday, February 5th, at 10AM!