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Kentucky's Greatest Musicians

By Jamie Lazich |

Kentucky's Greatest Musicians

Our state's musical roots run much deeper than country and bluegrass. Punk, pop, rock, jazz and folk? Yeah, we got that, too. Here are our picks for Kentucky's greatest and most influential musicians.

Adam Brewer’s Cuddle House

By Coleman Larkin |

Adam Brewer’s Cuddle House

You don't often hear people from other parts of the state distinguish between Eastern Kentucky and Southeastern Kentucky, but it's true, they're different. Not a lot. Just enough to notice if you're the kind of person that notices things.
It really boils down to a feeling.
In Eastern Kentucky—in Pike and Floyd and …

Who wants to win an EPIC VIP FORECASTLE KENTUCKY KICKS ASS PARTY PACK for two? You do! Your friend does! We've teamed up with our friends at Forecastle Fest to give away everything you see in the photo below ($1,100 value). To be entered to WIN follow these three easy steps: 1) FOLLOW us on …

Thank You Emarosa!

By Kentucky For Kentucky |

Thank You Emarosa!

Here at Ky for Ky, we love when kick ass Kentuckians represent where they come from. Lexington's very own rock band Emarosa really took one for the Commonwealth at one of their shows in Tempe, Arizona. Emarosa was on tour with Yellowcard and wore their Kentucky for Kentucky shirts with pride. With three out out …