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Canopy Kings

By Kentucky For Kentucky |

Last month we took you along on an epic Red River Gorge adventure into the trees courtesy of our buddy Django Kroner and his custom tree house company The Canopy Crew. Now Kroner, his kick-ass crew, and Kentucky have a shot at reaching an even wider audience. How about we help them crush it?


Canopy Kings, the pilot for the new reality show based on Kroner's business, debuts on Animal Planet this Friday, September 22, at 10 p.m. EST. The show plans to follow The Canopy Crew as they build tree houses around the world, and the premiere episode will document one of their more challenging projects right here in Kentucky.



The more people that tune in for the pilot, the higher the likelihood the show will get picked up for additional episodes.


"The whole show hinges on ratings," says Kroner, "so we need [everyone's] help to get as many views as possible."


So there you go. Check out the show, Kentuckians, and let the rest of the world get a little taste of what we have to offer. Or, even better, experience it for yourself by renting one of The Canopy Crew's amazing tree houses like the one featured below. We promise you won't regret it.


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