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Daniel Boone Mugs By David Kenton Kring

By Kentucky For Kentucky |

Every Kentuckian knows the importance of Daniel Boone. After all, he led the expedition in 1759 that introduced him and his team of explorers to the Cumberland Gap, which then opened up an overland route to access the frontier of Kentucky and Tennessee. If it wasn't for him, Kentucky may not have been kicking ass for nearly as long as we have. And for that, we give him our gratitude!


These mugs celebrate Daniel Boone and our love for the beautiful Bluegrass state. Each mug is handmade by one of our favorite local Kentucky potters, David Kenton Kring! One side features a portrait of Daniel Boone in all his rugged glory, and the other a famous quote from the intrepid explorer: "Heaven must be a Kentucky Kind of Place." Hell yeah, y'all! Order your Daniel Boone mug at 10 a.m. this Friday on our website!


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