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Silkscreened Vintage Kentucky Highway Map Prints Are Back

By Kentucky For Kentucky |

We've been searching far and wide for some old Kentucky highway maps for a new batch of our famous vintage Kentucky map prints. We can't keep em in stock and they're getting harder and harder to find. After several months of seeking and acquiring these sweet old Kentucky highway maps, we're finally ready to release a new batch. Actually two new beautiful batches. We put Tim Jones to work and had him pull two of our favorite quotes to give to you this Friday in celebration of everything Kentucky and to kick off the start of Kentucky Heritage Bourbon Month. Thank you, Andrew Jackson and Jesse Stuart. Thank you Tim Jones and Bryan Patrick Todd. Thank you Kentucky and Kentuckians. Each map print we make is unique, and they've never been know to last long, so mark your calendars for Friday, September 5th at 10am if you're looking to call dibs on one of these Kentucky Wonders before the well runs dry.

First up, we celebrate Jesse Stuart and his amazing quote about Kentucky being the heart of America. Designed by Bryan Patrick Todd in Louisville. Printed with love by Tim Jones in Lexington. We'll only have about 40 of these available. They go on sale this Friday at 10:00am. These vintage maps date back to anywhere from 1940 to 1980 and they are all in good condition. Sizes vary, but most are around 16″ x 26″. Act fast, map prints never last long.

"If these United States can be called a body, then Kentucky can be called its heart." – Jesse Stuart

Next up, we celebrate Andrew Jackson's amazing quote about Kentuckians kicking ass, drinking and gambling. A re-release of our very first vintage Kentucky highway map print. Designed and printed by Tim Jones. We'll only have about 30 of these available. These vintage maps date back to anywhere from 1940 to 1980 and they are all in good condition. Sizes vary, but most are around 16″ x 26″. Act fast, map prints never last long.

"I have never in my life seen a Kentuckian without a gun a pack of cards and a jug on whiskey" – Andrew Jackson 1804

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