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The Narco Farm Brass Band

By KY for KY Store Admin |

The Narco Farm Brass Band

The 24th annual Great American Brass Band Festival 2013 is going down this weekend (June 7-9) in Danville, Kentucky. It's the world's most epic brass band festival. On Friday night from 5:30pm till 10pm is 'Bayou and Brass' -Mardi Gras on Main Street in Danville. Main Street closes down, epic brass bands from New Orleans …

Kentucky Kicks Ass: A Kick Ass Case Study

By KY for KY Store Admin |

Kentucky Kicks Ass: A Kick Ass Case Study

 Three proud Kentuckians took it upon themselves to rebrand the great commonwealth of Kentucky. A pretty big task, considering they had zero money and no one asked them to do it. They launched a YouTube video declaring: Kentucky Kicks Ass. And the people of Kentucky either loved it or hated it, but it got them talking about the great people, places and things their state has to offer. A campaign that was heard around the world and part of popular culture. Mentioned in The USA Today, NPR, the BBC and comically in Conan O'Brien's monologue.

Handmade in small batches

By Kentucky For Kentucky |

Handmade in small batches

Brian at Cricket Press just hand-printed his "Kentucky Kicks Ass" logo on Kentucky road maps. Each print is different. Each print kicks ass. These prints will be available for purchase tomorrow night at The Morris Book Shop from 5:30pm-8:00. Only 30 available.