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Courage in Appalachia: the Story of Eula Hall

By Kentucky For Kentucky |

Courage in Appalachia: the Story of Eula Hall

Sometimes here at Kentucky for Kentucky we like to settle in with a good read, and when we do, it's always something unique and inspiring about our favorite state. When a copy of Kiran Bhatraju's Mud Creek Medicine: The Life of Eula Hall and the Fight for Appalachia found its way to our door, we couldn't …

Lexington: Inked in the Name of Love

By Kentucky For Kentucky |

Lexington: Inked in the Name of Love

In case you didn't know, Kentuckians Kick Ass: they get inked in the name of Kentucky-love. You've heard of state pride, Kentucky, but here in Lexington we've taken community involvement to whole new level.

The Lexington Tattoo Project is the brainchild of Lexington-based artists Kremena Todorova and Kurt Gohde, who called Lexingtonians to have …