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What Kentucky Kids Grow Up Knowing

By Jim Jackson |

What Kentucky Kids Grow Up Knowing

As schools start back across the Commonwealth, we take a look at some of the essential knowledge that comes with being a Kentuckian.

Classic Kentucky Horse Cocktails

By Kentucky For Kentucky |

Classic Kentucky Horse Cocktails

We recently took a trip to Table Three Ten in Lexington, where we met with kick-ass Kentuckian and epic bartender extraordinaire Ryan Filchak for a happy hour discussion of the opulent history of Kentucky cocktails. While Mr. Filchak deftly wielded his shaker, muddler, and jigger, we sat back, relaxed, and got ready to sample the …

Lexington: Inked in the Name of Love

By Kentucky For Kentucky |

Lexington: Inked in the Name of Love

In case you didn't know, Kentuckians Kick Ass: they get inked in the name of Kentucky-love. You've heard of state pride, Kentucky, but here in Lexington we've taken community involvement to whole new level.

The Lexington Tattoo Project is the brainchild of Lexington-based artists Kremena Todorova and Kurt Gohde, who called Lexingtonians to have …