We recently took a trip to Table Three Ten in Lexington, where we met with kick-ass Kentuckian and epic bartender extraordinaire Ryan Filchak for a happy hour discussion of the opulent history of Kentucky cocktails. While Mr. Filchak deftly wielded his shaker, muddler, and jigger, we sat back, relaxed, and got ready to sample the …
David Kenton Kring Has Created The World's Most Epic “Hunter S Thompson” Tribute Sculpture (And It Can Be Yours)

Like Bigfoot, Artist David Kenton Kring is a mythical Kentucky creature. He doesn't just create dynamic tumblers, mugs, and flasks. His primary passion is crafting specialty, stylistic figurative work – particularly, life-size busts. As Kring explains, "my art offers an emotional charge through gestures, facial expression, and painting techniques. My surfaces are extremely worked; …
When David Kenton Kring decided to throw these Hunter S. Thompson tumblers, he pulled the bourbon off the shelf, downed a double shot, and got to work. We told him to make something pint-sized so we could pour a local brew in there to give a hearty 'Cheers to the Commonwealth!' But Kring looked up …
We're going to the races, friends, and we're taking one of our favorite Kick-Ass Kentuckians with us! If anyone knows how to party down on the best day in May, it's Hunter S. Thompson, himself a native of Louisville and a proud supporter of the infield crowd, a boatload of booze, and the joys of …