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Send A Jerk A Lump Of Kentucky Coal!

By Andrew Ky |

Send A Jerk A Lump Of Kentucky Coal!

Declare this Christmas a "No Buttholes Zone" and go on the offensive with the gift that's worse than nothing. Coal. Because nothing says, "I do not approve of you," like a real live chunk of Kentucky's filthiest export.

Send A Jerk A Lump Of Kentucky Coal!

By Kentucky For Kentucky |

Send A Jerk A Lump Of Kentucky Coal!

The holidays are a time for fun, frivolity, love and gratitude. But let's face it. Some people don't deserve any of that stuff. You know the ones. They've made your whole year a little harder than it needed to be. They're the ones with the make-believe gluten allergy. The selfie addicts. The ones with the …

Send A Jerk A Lump Of Kentucky Coal!

By Kentucky For Kentucky |

Send A Jerk A Lump Of Kentucky Coal!

Joy to the world! Real live Kentucky coal lumps are back this Wednesday, November 28th at 10am on our website!