It's a matter of fact that no native Kentuckian has defined the American experience more courageously than Muhammad Ali. From his years as a world heavyweight boxing champion and anti-war counter-cultural icon to his turn as a modern day peace activist and philanthropist, Ali has continued to break and reset the mold with a life dedicated to charity and compassion.

So how does one honor this man today, on this, his 71st birthday?
Here at Kentucky for Kentucky, we think that a man of Ali's stature deserves a day of his own with which others may be inspired by His Greatness; to spend his birthday performing feats worthy of a man who who went toe to toe with the best fighters in the world and bested them all; whose verbal cunning proved just as awesome as his feats of strength; whose buoyant personality shone through each interview, each bout, each personal and political struggle.
Therefore, we, the executors and brain-trust on behalf of Kentucky for Kentucky, do hereby petition the White House to designate the 17th of January as "Muhammad Ali Day," a federally observed and annually reoccurring holiday.
Because of the proposed holiday's proximity to President Obama's recently announced National Day of Service on January 21st as well aswith Martin Luther King, Jr., Day, the four day span of time would henceforth serve as a "long weekend" of public service and kinship within communities across the nation. In concurrence with the proper observance of Ali Day, the following activities are strongly encouraged:
1. Donate an hour or more of your day to a charitable, environmental or social justice cause in your community.