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ABC's Of Kentucky Print By Robert Bridges

By KY for KY Store Admin |

We're dropping a kick ass new limited edition print this coming Friday (Jan 31st). An awesome new print by a talented artist by the name of Robert Bridges. A print that appeals to proud Kentuckians (both children and adults). It's called the "ABC's Of Kentucky" or as we like to call it "Kentucky Always Be Crushing". Read all about the print and it's talented maker below.

Each letter of our Kentucky Alphabet print plays on artist Robert Bridges' whimsical style, and represents points of Commonwealth pride. The print is playfully emblematic of the Kentucky's rich heritage, past and present.

ABCs of Kentucky

Originally born in California, 'The ABCs of Kentucky' illustrator Robert Bridges credits his life in Kentucky with allowing him to become closer to a rustic, wooded sense of place that has changed his artistic style. As with the images that he's created for Kentucky for Kentucky, Bridges primarily works with gouache on watercolor paper, giving his illustrations a lightly antiqued, but detailed, feel.

Robert Bridges ABC of Kentucky

Bridges also credits his move to Kentucky with helping to shift his art in a direction that is less dark and more playful, "I think a by product of living here and spending more time with my family has caused me to be a bit more introspective about what I wanted my work to say. I always felt that my work had to be 'serious' to have any sort of artistic merit. I have had time to see life for the good thing it is and to experience wonder and realize that it is okay to lighten up." Though he has done commissions for clients in places as far away as England, Japan, and Norway, Bridges has found an artistic community in Lexington that nurtures his work; he has made many connections through the Lexington Art League.

Bridges' illustrations often seem as though they have been extracted from a larger story, allowing adults and children a peek into snippets of scenes. "My goal is to leave the events somewhat vague and to leave it to the viewer's imagination to fill in the rest. Imagination is key."

These classic 18 x 24 prints also inspire the imagination – each letter has a story to tell. They're hot off the press, and we only have 500 to share with the world. Printed on French Paper Company Paper by Thoroughbred Press in Lexington, Kentucky. Available Friday January 31st at 10:30am on our website.

A – Ali, B – Bluegrass, C – Kentucky Colonels, D – Derby, E – Ernest, F – Fried Chicken, G – Goldenrod, H – High Five, I – Isaac Murphy, J – John Jacob Niles, K – Keeneland, L – Lincoln, M – Mammoth Cave, N – Natural Bridge, O – Opossum, P – PawPaw, Q – Quilt, R – Rosie the Riveter, S – Shaker Village, T – Turtle Man, U – United We Stand, Divided We Fall, V – Vault (Fort Knox), W – Wigwam Village, X – Moonshine, Y – Y'all, Z – Zombie.

ABCs of Kentucky

ABCs of Kentucky

ABCs of Kentucky

ABCs of KY

Big shout out to Stanley Sievers for the photography and the kick ass video he filmed and edited. Big shout out to Hannah LeGangsta for the words. #KentuckyKicksAss

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