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Kentucky Children's Eye Chart

By Kentucky For Kentucky |

Kentucky Children's Eye Chart

Welcome back to Kindergarten, friends—Kentucky for Kentucky-style, that is. Which means this school is way cooler than your Kindergarten. In fact, it kicks ass. With the iconography of the Commonwealth in mind, we've had hometown crusher Rachael Sinclair draft a specialty version of a children's eye chart. Complete with the outlines of Kentucky's great symbols—the …

KY Natural Wonders Prints: Cumberland Falls Edition

By Kentucky For Kentucky |

KY Natural Wonders Prints: Cumberland Falls Edition

This Friday, September 9th at 10 a.m. we are launching the 3rd print to the KY Natural Wonders prints series, y'all! These new Cumberland Falls prints are designed by Nick Baut of Hound Dog Press and hand-printed the old fashioned way!

47 Reasons Why Kentucky Kicks Ass

By Kentucky For Kentucky |

47 Reasons Why Kentucky Kicks Ass

It's back, y'all! We're releasing a new limited-edition run of our "47 Reasons Why Kentucky Kicks Ass" prints at 10 a.m. this Friday, June 10.

KY Natural Wonders Prints

By Kentucky For Kentucky |

KY Natural Wonders Prints

We're launching two new kick-ass prints this Friday, March 25th at 10am from Nick Baut of Hound Dog Press! The first in an ongoing series of "Kentucky Natural Wonders" featuring hand-carved illustrations of Natural Bridge and Mammoth Cave. These are TRULY limited edition, never to be reproduced. We only have 50 of each available.


By Kentucky For Kentucky |


Happy Kentucky Derby season, y'all! Like you, we love the "The Most Exciting Two Minutes In Sports" and all of the awesome festivities leading up to it. It's one of Kentucky's most kick-ass traditions. In celebration of the 2015 Kentucky Derby we're excited to bring you this incredibly awesome "Derby Days" print designed by Louisville …