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Bourbon On The Telly

By Kentucky For Kentucky |

Kentucky and everybody's favorite Kentucky export, bourbon, might be about to infiltrate living rooms across the land in a big way.


According to, NBC is developing a half-hour comedy called Sour Mash about a bourbon-obsessed Latina chemist from Brooklyn who is recruited to become the master distiller at a failing family-owned distillery here in the Bluegrass.


"She finds that making great bourbon is easy compared to dealing with the eccentric family that hired her," says Deadline.



The show's writers/creators are Mike Gagerman and Andrew Waller (pictured above), real-life friends best known for the 2014 movie Search Party and the direct-to-DVD banger American Pie: Beta House, so we'll hold off on giving it the KY for KY seal of approval until we see it.


At the very least, they better film it here and there definitely better not be any of those 15-minute Lexington-to-Harlan drives like in Justified. Get it right, Hollyweird!



Did you know that MILK is currently Kentucky's official state beverage? That's pretty insane. Ain't nobody making TV shows about Kentucky milk. This is bourbon country. Defend the Commonwealth! Check out, sign, and share our petition to put bourbon on the throne where it belongs.


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