Kick Ass Kentuckian Albert Benjamin "Happy" Chandler, Sr. once said:
"I Never Met A Kentuckian Who Wasn't Either Thinking About Going Home Or Actually Going Home"
We love this Happy Chandler quote. it's epic and it's true. There's no place like Kentucky. It's the kick ass state. In honor of Happy Chandler and his epic quote, we're dropping some kick ass t-shirts (available on Monday) and a some prints (coming soon).
A quote this legendary deserves a kick ass design. For this task we enlisted a kick ass Kentuckian by the name of Jeremy Booth. Jeremy is an amazing hand-illustrator/designer/creative/cyclist/coffee-drinker/soon-to-be-married kick ass kentuckian hailing from Louisville KY. Jeremy straight up crushed this design, the outcome is amazing. We love it! You check it out below.
You can view more of Jeremy's work on his website, his Dribbble, and give him a follow on Instagram.