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One Damn Bad Oyster Festival

By Kentucky For Kentucky |

One Damn Bad Oyster Festival

On the evening of  Monday, February 3rd, we had the opportunity to participate in a majestic scene in Covington, Kentucky for One Damn BadOyster Fest. At this epic event, we found every type of oyster in the land, the beer flowed freely, and we cheered William Goebel, a Covington native and American politician who served as the 34th governor of Kentucky. A champion …

Happy Chandler

By Kentucky For Kentucky |

Happy Chandler

Kick Ass Kentuckian Albert Benjamin "Happy" Chandler, Sr. once said:
"I Never Met A Kentuckian Who Wasn't Either Thinking About Going Home Or Actually Going Home"
We love this Happy Chandler quote. it's epic and it's true. There's no place like Kentucky. It's the kick ass state. In honor of Happy Chandler and his epic …