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Kentucky Born and Breaded

By Kentucky For Kentucky |

Kentucky Born and Breaded

Do you love fried chicken? Were you born in the great Commonwealth of Kentucky? If you answered yes to both those questions, you're gonna love the new 'Kentucky Born And Breaded' gear we're launching this Friday. The concept and design came from one of Kentucky for Kentucky's very own. Quietly crushing it for the Commonwealth since day …

Mammoth Cave Reimagined As A Subway System

By Kentucky For Kentucky |

Mammoth Cave Reimagined As A Subway System

Kentucky is home to the longest cave system in the world – Mammoth Cave (aka Mammoth-Flint Ridge Cave System). Like the Commonwealth of Kentucky, Mammoth Cave is epic and awesome. It's considered one of the
seven natural wonders of North America. To give you an idea of it's size, back in the 1960's Colonel Sanders …