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We've Got Handmade Kentucky Moonshine Jugs

By Kentucky For Kentucky |

We've Got Handmade Kentucky Moonshine Jugs

Earlier this week, we looked around the Kentucky for Kentucky office and realized that something was missing, something essential. We looked at the prints on the walls and the shirts on the racks and the booze in the cabinet, and we felt, well, not quite at ease. We needed something classic, we needed something handmade…we …

David Kenton Kring Epic Hunter S. Thompson Tumblers

By Kentucky For Kentucky |

David Kenton Kring Epic Hunter S. Thompson Tumblers

When David Kenton Kring decided to throw these Hunter S. Thompson tumblers, he pulled the bourbon off the shelf, downed a double shot, and got to work. We told him to make something pint-sized so we could pour a local brew in there to give a hearty 'Cheers to the Commonwealth!' But Kring looked up …

David Kenton Kring x Kentucky for Kentucky

By Kentucky For Kentucky |

David Kenton Kring  x Kentucky for Kentucky

Lexington artist David Kring really throws down for the Commonwealth. The same man who brought you the Lincoln flask took a swig of Kentucky spirit and got to work on a crispy new kick-ass vision. This time, he made us matching Colonel Sanders mugs and flasks – and we said hell yes, ya'll!
David designed …