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Colonel Sanders Mugs

By Kentucky For Kentucky |

Colonel Sanders Mugs

Every true Kentuckian knows the importance of the late great Colonel Sanders. The man that made the words 'Kentucky' and 'fried chicken' household names around the world. The man that made 'Kentucky' big in Japan, especially at Christmas time! The man that made you love him. In celebration of Colonel Sanders and his tasty fried …

Colonel Sanders Mugs By David Kring

By Kentucky For Kentucky |

Colonel Sanders Mugs By David Kring

Colonel Sanders mugs by David Kring will be be back this Wednesday, April 12th at 10am online and at the Kentucky Fun Mall (720 Bryan Avenue)!

The World’s Most Epic Kentucky Fried Derby Hat

By Kentucky for Kentucky |

The World’s Most Epic Kentucky Fried Derby Hat

In celebration of the 'oldest continuously running sports event in the nation,' we've created a Kentucky Derby hat to top all others. And it can be yours.

Dress Like Your Favorite Kentuckian And Run A 5k With Us!

By Kentucky For Kentucky |

Dress Like Your Favorite Kentuckian And Run A 5k With Us!

Who's down to dress like your favorite Kentuckian and run a 5k with us during the Breeder's Cup Festival Week? Best costume wins $1000!
Join us for the inaugural Kentucky For Kentucky 5K (25 Furlongs) & Kids Stick Horse Stampede on Sunday, October 25, 2015 at 2:00pm at the Kentucky Horse Park/Alltech Arena in North …