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Talking to Spirits with Sabrina, The Mountain Medium

By Coleman Larkin |

Talking to Spirits with Sabrina, The Mountain Medium



You can't find her in the phonebook. Not on Facebook or any other social network. You can try Google, but you won't get much. Just an old classified ad she ran in the Williamson …

Ernest Mugs by David Kring

By Kentucky For Kentucky |

Ernest Mugs by David Kring

Hey Kentuckians, it's Ernest! We thought it was about time to honor one of Kentucky's most unique kick-ass Kentuckians- Jim Varney (1949-2000). Varney was an actor, voice actor, comedian, and writer who hailed from Lexington. Best known for his role as the loveable bumpkin Ernest P. Worell in the Ernest movies and commericals, Varney was a …

Ebbets Old School "KY" Hats are Back in Black!

By Kentucky For Kentucky |

Ebbets Old School "KY" Hats are Back in Black!

Happy New Year Kentuckians! To kick off 2015 we're offering one of our classic products with a new spin. We'll have a fresh batch of black Ebbets Hats available for purchase on our website this Friday. 100% American made and hand-crafted, these hats are sure to showcase your Kentucky pride. In black felt with "KY" in white with …

Ricky Dixon is the Wavingest Son of a Bitch in Kentucky

By Coleman Larkin |

Ricky Dixon is the Wavingest Son of a Bitch in Kentucky

"I been accused of a lot of things. They's been about 700 lies told on me. Nationwide. My name's went to Japan, Australia, Germany and Paris, France."

That's Ricky Dixon beginning to tell the tale of how he ended up on Chloe Creek in Pike County, standing on …