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Kentucky Rocks!

By Kentucky For Kentucky |

Kentucky Rocks!

This Friday, December 9th at 10am we are launching the absolute must-have for Kentucky bourbon drinkers everywhere… Kentucky Rocks!

In Search of Bourbon’s X-Factor

By Tom Wilmes |

In Search of Bourbon’s X-Factor

Wood, weather and time all impact how a bourbon ages. Here's how Buffalo Trace's ongoing experiments help it better control for the unknown.

Vendome Keeps the Spirits Flowing

By Maggie Kimberl |

Vendome Keeps the Spirits Flowing

There's a good chance that nearly every drop of distillate you've tasted has been produced with the help of this family-owned Kentucky business.


By Kentucky For Kentucky |


Happy National Bourbon Heritage Month! Happy Kentucky Bourbon Festival! This weekend (September 18-20th) we'll be celebrating America's Native Spirit in Bardstown at the Kentucky Bourbon Festival. The world's greatest festival celebrating the world's greatest drink. We'll be there with our big ol' Kentucky for Kentucky tent serving up the Commonwealth's freshest bourbon gear, Y'ALL gear …