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United We Stand,
Divided We Fall

By Kentucky For Kentucky |

United We Stand, <br>Divided We Fall

Before there was 'Teamwork Makes The Dream Work' there was 'United We Stand, Divided We Fall.' Learn the story behind our state motto and pick up some sweet new shirts and screen prints.

Fresh Festival Gear For Proud Kentuckians!

By Kentucky For Kentucky |

Fresh Festival Gear For Proud Kentuckians!

Who's excited for Forecastle? We are! Who needs some fresh Kentucky for Kentucky gear for Forecastle? You do! In celebration of Forecastle, we're excited to announce that we'll setting up an epic Kentucky for Kentucky pop-up shop in Louisville at Hound Dog Press on Thursday July 16th from 10am until 8pm. We'll be serving up all kinds …

“To be born in Kentucky is a heritage” T-shirt

By Kentucky For Kentucky |

“To be born in Kentucky is a heritage” T-shirt

In 1917, Irvin Cobb wrote an amazing quote about Kentucky in the Columbia Spectator. In 2014, the sentiment continues to ring true: "To be born in Kentucky is a heritage; to brag about it is a habit; to appreciate it is a virtue." Earlier this year, Jeremy Booth made us a print celebrating Cobb and …