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United We Stand,
Divided We Fall

By Kentucky For Kentucky |

Before there was 'Teamwork Makes The Dream Work' there was 'United We Stand, Divided We Fall.' You might recognize the saying from the Kentucky state flag flying high above your house. Although the Seal has changed over time from two drunk guys awkwardly holding each other up from falling, to two drunk guys hugging each other tightly, to two sober guys formally shaking hands, the motto has always stayed the same.

Originally chosen by Kentucky's first governor, Isaac Shelby, the motto continues to ring true today. We might not be able to agree on everything, or even how to pronounce Louisville, but at least we can agree that we kick more ass when we stand together!

We have a small batch of prints and t-shirts available in our shop. Designed and screen printed in Kentucky on French Paper Co 100 lb paper by Logan Miller of
The Giant Robot Co

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