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Welcome Home, Harry Dean Stanton, Kick-Ass Kentuckian!

By Kentucky For Kentucky |

Welcome Home, Harry Dean Stanton, Kick-Ass Kentuckian!

As lovers of the strange and mystical, Kentucky for Kentucky is getting pumped to revel in the glory of Harry Dean Stanton, a man known for his long, versatile acting career, musical abilities, and status as a kick-ass Kentuckian.
June 13th – 15th marks the fourth annual Harry Dean Stanton Fest, a celebration started by …

Come Join Us at the Festival of the Bluegrass!

By Kentucky For Kentucky |

Come Join Us at the Festival of the Bluegrass!

This year, Kentucky for Kentucky is highlighting the Festival of the Bluegrass, an event that we're excited to be a part of as they celebrate over 40 years of bringing the world to our fine Commonwealth to celebrate our bluegrass heritage. The Festival began as a family affair – "the longest family-run Bluegrass Festival in …

David Kenton Kring Epic Hunter S. Thompson Tumblers

By Kentucky For Kentucky |

David Kenton Kring Epic Hunter S. Thompson Tumblers

When David Kenton Kring decided to throw these Hunter S. Thompson tumblers, he pulled the bourbon off the shelf, downed a double shot, and got to work. We told him to make something pint-sized so we could pour a local brew in there to give a hearty 'Cheers to the Commonwealth!' But Kring looked up …

Loretta Lynn Flasks & Mugs By David Kring

By Kentucky For Kentucky |

Loretta Lynn Flasks & Mugs By David Kring

Like the epic rounds of flasks and mugs that came before – Lincoln, Colonel Sanders – Kentucky for Kentucky's new Loretta Lynn collection is sure to please. Designed, thrown, stamped, rinsed, and glazed by the ever-steady David Kenton Kring of Lexington, Kentucky, these Loretta mugs and flasks are just as limited-edition as ever, with only …

We've been searching far and wide for MORE vintage Kentucky highway maps that we could use for ANOTHER kick ass print project with our main man Olive Hill Tim Jones. After a few months of acquiring more of these sweet old Kentucky highway maps we're back in action. Back to the future. Back to releasing …