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Live, Love, Loretta.

By Kentucky For Kentucky |

Live, Love, Loretta.

This week, we're celebrating a Kentucky born and raised marvel of country music- Ms. Loretta Lynn. This honky-tonk songstress grew from her roots as a coal miner's daughter in a little nook of Eastern Kentucky to become the maven of the music industry that we all know today. She's got countless industry awards and prestige …

Loretta Lynn Flasks & Mugs By David Kring

By Kentucky For Kentucky |

Loretta Lynn Flasks & Mugs By David Kring

Like the epic rounds of flasks and mugs that came before – Lincoln, Colonel Sanders – Kentucky for Kentucky's new Loretta Lynn collection is sure to please. Designed, thrown, stamped, rinsed, and glazed by the ever-steady David Kenton Kring of Lexington, Kentucky, these Loretta mugs and flasks are just as limited-edition as ever, with only …

Kick Ass Kentucky Zombies

By KY for KY Store Admin |

Kick Ass Kentucky Zombies

AMC's hit show the Walking Dead was invented right here in Kentucky by two kick ass Kentuckians, writer Robert Kirkman and artist Tony Moore. Like the rest of America, we're huge fans of the show. The finale of the Walking Dead's third season airs this Sunday. We can't wait. As a tribute to the season …