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KY Ebbets Hats Are Back

By Kentucky for Kentucky |

KY Ebbets Hats Are Back

The hats everyone is talking about are back, y'all! And just in time for this cold weather! Wear your custom 'KY' Ebbets Field Flannels vintage baseball cap to the front, to the back, or to the side and let that Kentucky pride shine on!

Kentucky Wrapping Paper!

By Kentucky For Kentucky |

Kentucky Wrapping Paper!

The Y'ALLidays are upon us! We have the perfect Kentucky gifts for all your friends and family, and now we have your perfect Kentucky gift wrap to complete the package!  This Friday, December 2nd at 10am we'll be launching three kick-ass styles of the ultimate Kentucky wrapping paper, including "Y'ALL", "KY Christmas Cookies", and "Red & Green KY's". Available …

Made South: Southern Whiskey Society

By Kentucky For Kentucky |

Made South: Southern Whiskey Society

Come on out to Made South's Southern Whiskey Society event in Franklin, Tennessee Saturday, August 5th from 6pm-9pm!

New Hats, Y'all!

By Kentucky For Kentucky |

New Hats, Y'all!

Just in time for this hot and sunny Kentucky summer, we're dropping 6 kick-ass hats this Friday, July 14th at 10am, y'all!

KY & Southern Hats

By Adam Lewis |

KY & Southern Hats

New hats are in, y'all! This Friday, October 28th at 10am we'll be introducing our new "Southern" hats and bringing back our classic "KY" baseball hats!