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Made South Holiday Market

By Kentucky For Kentucky |

Made South Holiday Market

What's up, Tennessee?! We'll be heading down to the Made South Holiday Market this Friday and Saturday, November 17th-18th! Come out to shop a selection of the South's finest makers and artisans. There will also be live music, tastings from local chefs and Southern distillers and more at this family friendly event! We'll be serving up …

Oxford American Kentucky Music Issue

By Kentucky For Kentucky |

Oxford American Kentucky Music Issue

We've always thought Kentucky deserved more attention. That's why we started this thing. And whenever anyone else wants to join us in preaching the Gospel of Kentucky, we're always ready with the metaphorical megaphone to help amp up their message. In that spirit, when our friends at the Oxford American magazine let us know that …

September Night Market

By Kentucky For Kentucky |

September Night Market

We're taking it to the streets from 6-10 p.m. on Friday, September 1st, along the 700 block of Bryan Ave. in Lexington for the ultimate block party. Hell yeah!

Moontower Music Festival!

By Kentucky For Kentucky |

Moontower Music Festival!

Who's ready for Moontower, y'all?! This Saturday, August 26th from 11am-11pm we'll be getting down at the Moontower Music Festival right here in Lexington!

New Hats, Y'all!

By Kentucky For Kentucky |

New Hats, Y'all!

Just in time for this hot and sunny Kentucky summer, we're dropping 6 kick-ass hats this Friday, July 14th at 10am, y'all!