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Nice Catch, William Faulkner

By Kentucky For Kentucky |

Nice Catch, William Faulkner

Y'ALL! Oxford American magazine, The New Yorker of the South, just dropped their 19th Annual Southern Music Issue, and, this time, the great Commonwealth of Kentucky is in the spotlight. Well, nobody loves Kentucky and Kentucky music more than we do, so we decided to show our support with a full-page ad promoting KY for KY …

Oxford American Kentucky Music Issue

By Kentucky For Kentucky |

Oxford American Kentucky Music Issue

We've always thought Kentucky deserved more attention. That's why we started this thing. And whenever anyone else wants to join us in preaching the Gospel of Kentucky, we're always ready with the metaphorical megaphone to help amp up their message. In that spirit, when our friends at the Oxford American magazine let us know that …

Oxford American : SoLost: Rebranding Kentucky (A Guerilla Love Story)

By Kentucky For Kentucky |

A few weeks back we had the pleasure of sitting down with Dave Anderson from the Oxford American Magazine and shooting a little video about rebranding Kentucky for their 'SoLost' series. Check out the video below and you can read all about it on Oxford American by clicking here.