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By Kentucky For Kentucky |


As we sit back and sip a small-batch of fine Kentucky bourbon, and let a sweet, subtle purple haze make it's way into our mind's eye- we can't help but to get a little "clarity" on the state of things. Sometimes, it takes nothing more than a simple sip & smoke to remind us …

The American Marketing Association recently published a case study on both 'Kentucky for Kentucky' and our 'Kentucky Kicks Ass' campaign in it's May 2014 Marketing News issue. Check out the full article here. Thanks Molly for the great case study!
Peggy Bendel, president of the New York-based travel marketing firm Bendel Communications International and a board …

Cane-tuck-ee, Cantucky, Kain-tuck-ee, Kentuckee, Kentucky

By Kentucky For Kentucky |

Cane-tuck-ee, Cantucky, Kain-tuck-ee, Kentuckee, Kentucky

We delved deep into the historical vaults to dish up a little Kentucky history for y'all. This week, we're bringing you a poster and a shirt that celebrate the etymological roots of our kick-ass Commonwealth. The spelling of our state has changed significantly over time, and the primary origins are likely of Iroquois or Shawnee …

Oxford American : SoLost: Rebranding Kentucky (A Guerilla Love Story)

By Kentucky For Kentucky |

A few weeks back we had the pleasure of sitting down with Dave Anderson from the Oxford American Magazine and shooting a little video about rebranding Kentucky for their 'SoLost' series. Check out the video below and you can read all about it on Oxford American by clicking here.