In April of 2012 our friends at Cricket Press invented and printed this amazing print called 'A Comprehensive List of Notable Kentucky Inventions – Volume 1'. It celebrated some of Kentucky's finest inventions – baseball bats, horses, gold, the bowie knife, bourbon, fried chicken, couch burning, and the Tommy gun. The print sold out in a flash. It was featured on the Laughing Squid. It was a huge hit on the Pinterest. Like always, Cricket Press knocked it out of the park. Everyone wanted their Inventions print.
We're stoked to announce that 'A Comprehensive List of Notable Kentucky Inventions – Volume 2′ is finally here and it's amazing. Like volume 1, volume 2 celebrates some of Kentucky's finest inventions – high fives, disco balls, cheeseburgers, happy birthday, the radio, zombies, traffic signals, and the motha freakin' Corvette. It will be available for sale this week both online and at The Forecastle Festival in Louisville. We'll be announcing the date and time of the online sale shortly. Won't last long.
Check out both Volume 1 and 2 below. More proof that Kentucky does kick ass!