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Colonel Sanders has Arrived!

By Kentucky For Kentucky |

Colonel Sanders has Arrived!

This week, we've got a print that's finger licking good! We've always been pretty obsessed with Colonel Sanders here at Kentucky for Kentucky, and now we've finally got the print to prove it! This masterpiece was cooked up by Austin Dunbar of Durham Brand Co. in Covington. Now all of you fried chicken lovers can hang …

Last April, we launched an epic print celebrating the most exciting two minutes in sports – the motha freakin' Kentucky Derby. We collaborated with Louisville artist Rachael Sinclair on this decadent and depraved print. Not just any print, an infographic of kick-ass Kentuckian Hunter S. Thompson's famous essay on the 1970 Kentucky Derby – …

Didn't think we could go any farther with Colonel Sanders? Well, now we've got him riding a chicken across our heather black tri-blend t-shirts…for adults!
Everything we make has a story to tell, and this shirt is no different – now your shirt can tell curious onlookers, "Hey, guess what? Once a famous, grown-ass Kentucky …

"22 Kick-Ass Kentucky Beards"

By Kentucky For Kentucky |

"22 Kick-Ass Kentucky Beards"

With the chill of November upon us, we find ourselves spending most nights fireside, sipping a smooth, small-batch bourbon and flipping through the archives of the most kick-ass Kentuckians to date. Oh! to be Boone, or Lincoln…or even the Colonel- the thought alone has us quivering with KY pride.  You might ask, What made these …